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Library access

As an Alumni UAB member, you will still be able to benefit from UAB library services, consortium loans and interlibrary loans. You will also have access to study rooms on public holidays and weekends.

UAB libraries have an extensive collection of publications to support teaching and research: more than one million monographs, nearly 75,000 collections of magazines and journals, and nearly 200,000 non-book resources (DVDs, theses, maps, etc.). A large part of this collection is available online.

Aside from this general collection, the UAB libraries also hold other specific collections: special collections, personal and institutional collections, the university's own publications, etc.

How do I apply to benefit from these services?

Fill in this form to apply and you will receive a document accrediting your Alumni UAB member status within 48-72 working hours at the Library’s reception desk, where you will be given a card to borrow books and access the study room, among other services. You will need to provide a passport-sized photograph.

Enter your personal space and register as Alumni UAB Premium, filling in the form and paying the fee. You will automatically receive a temporary certificate to your email. If you have changed your email, update your personal information before becoming Premium.

Under normal conditions, the Alumni Premium card would arrive at your home in a few weeks. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic situation, we are unable to ship it. But do not worry, if beyond the validity of the temporary certificate, you need to accredit yourself as Premium, write us! As soon as possible, we will resume sending cards.

The Alumni UAB can borrow up to 10 documents for 7/14 or 28 days, depending on the type of loan.

The library consortium loan, or PUC, is a free service enabling users at member institutions to request and borrow materials from other libraries in the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC).

Other university libraries participating in PUC are the UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdG, UdL, URV, UOC, URL, UVIC-UCC, TecnoCampus and the Biblioteca de Catalunya (the national Library of Catalonia).

Users can request resources online from the CCUC union catalogue or directly from the library where the resources are held (on-site loan).

An interlibrary loan is a service that provides users with access to material that is not available from the UAB libraries. The aim is to locate documents in other Catalan, Spanish or foreign libraries and get them to UAB users. It is also a service that makes its own collections available to other libraries.

Alumni UAB can access the electronic resources when at the UAB libraries or when connected to UAB Wi-Fi, but never from outside the University.

The UAB Library Service subscribes to electronic resources (books, journals and databases) and signs user licenses with suppliers and publishers. These licences state that access is limited to students, teaching and research staff and active administrative and service staff of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Alumni UAB can consult and use the electronic resources the UAB is subscribed to, but only when using the specific computers provided by the libraries for this purpose. You will have to ask the librarians which computers have the databases and for the correct login details.

You can reserve and renew your loans from your personal account.

The libraries have laptops with wireless internet access that you can borrow.