Job placement reports
AQU Catalunya pays special attention to thematic areas of analysis that are of particular interest to higher education institutions in Catalonia. Hence it regularly publishes studies on this topic. These areas include job placement, employers’ opinions about recent graduates and graduates’ satisfaction with the degrees they have taken. Finally, it also publishes a study on the profiles of students at the universities that are part of the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats (Vives University Network).
The study of graduate job placements coordinated by AQU Catalunya is the result of the interest of public and private Catalan universities, affiliated centres and higher art education centres in Catalonia, in obtaining data and references on the quality of their students' job placements.
This study has been conducted every three years since 2001, and addresses employment rates, job quality and the skills developed. It is one of the most representative and important studies in Europe in this area.
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The aim of the Employers study is to assess the employability of recently graduated students in Catalonia. By means of a survey, the study collects the views of companies and organisations about the training of recent graduates and analyses them together with the data from the Satisfaction and Job Placement surveys. The ultimate objective of these studies is to make proposals for improving degree programmes, which are generated at workshops where representatives of the interest groups debate the results.
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Since 2015 in the case of bachelor degrees, and since 2017 in the case of Masters, Catalan universities in coordination with AQU Catalunya have been conducting a survey to assess the satisfaction of the recently graduated population with the degrees they have just completed. In 2019, the survey included, for the first time, higher degrees and masters in higher artistic education.
The survey provides common indicators for the improvement of teaching in the dimensions of satisfaction with teaching and learning, services and facilities, the personal impact it has had on the student, etc.
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