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Alumni Network


The XEC3 project, the Network of Experience for the Shared Construction of Knowledge, is a UAB-GRODE project, which aims to promote the recognition of the knowledge and experience of the senior generation with their participation in research work.

This initiative of the GRODE group (Educational Orientation and Development Research Group) of the Department of Applied Pedagogy, promotes the participation of people of the senior generation, freed from work obligations, as mentors of research work for high school, undergraduate, graduate students , master's degree, collaborating with the teaching staff and offers them the opportunity to participate in research groups by contributing their knowledge and experience.

  • Maria Jesús Comellas, PhD in Psychology UAB '85 and long-time professor of Psychopedagogy at the UAB, is the driving force behind this intergenerational mentoring project in which retired people contribute their knowledge to young students who are preparing a research project.
  • Jaume Cela, Education UAB '77, is one of the 80 mentors who are part of the initiative.

Are you a secondary school teacher and need a mentor for your students?

Are you a senior alumni and want to be a mentor?

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