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Alumni Network

Labour Relations Alumni Network

The UAB Alumni network maintains your connection with the University and with your fellow alumni, so that you can share your professional careers, obtain tools to receive continuous training, learn about activities and foster a useful and powerful network to maintain relationships and do networking.

To make sure you get all the latest news, update your data by filling in this form.


Being part of the UAB Labour Relations Alumni Network means you will:

  • Receive information about the Faculty's activities.
  • Attend and participate in events organised by the Labour Relations Alumni Network, such as talks, debates, promotion meetings, and many others. View previous activities
  • Get access to the Labour Relations Alumni Network’s LinkedIn group to keep up to date with professional life, stay in contact with fellow alumni and take advantage of all the other features.
  • View a selection of job offers.


Xavier Solà Monells (

Lecturer of Labour and Social Security Law.

Secretary of the Department of Public Law and Historical and Legal Sciences.