Solidarity Alumni
The University, through the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, facilitates and promotes opportunities for the UAB community to engage in volunteer experiences. If you are a UAB Alumni Premium, you have the chance to continue participating in one of the following volunteer programs after graduation.
Welcome Program
The Refugee Welcome Program aims to contribute to the full inclusion of individuals seeking international protection through welcome and support actions, as well as through raising awareness and encouraging civic engagement. Learn about the different Welcome volunteer opportunities!
Justice Program
As a volunteer, you will be able to participate in the development of physical-sports, cultural and artistic, academic, and socio-labor activities, as well as leisure and personal development activities aimed at individuals in prisons and young people and minors in juvenile justice centers.
Environmental Program
In the Environmental Volunteer Group, you will contribute to building a more responsible university connected to its surroundings by promoting environmental education on campus, engaging with the surrounding biodiversity, and participating in other sustainability-related activities.
Health Program
As a UAB student, you have the opportunity to train to become a Health Agent on campus. With this volunteer program, you will focus on promoting health, particularly regarding healthy habits and consumption and sexual-affective health, whether through campaigns and actions on specific dates or by participating in the Health Tent (Xiringu de Salud).
Socio-educational Programs
The socio-educational area of the FAS offers 4 volunteer programs: CROMA 2.0, Unix, Let's Go, and the Recerca - Participatory Action Program in educational centers. If you have interest and experience working with children and young people, request information and join the #VolunteerSquad.
Social Health Program
Share your time with children and young people and their families during their hospital stay, or with individuals in socio-healthcare centers, and contribute to their recovery and overall well-being. Join in contributing to their psycho-emotional and affective recovery.