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New members for grants in the Programme of Requalification of the Spanish University System
After the evaluation process of the admitted applications, by the commissions corresponding to the Call of the Universitat Autònom de Barcelona for...
Xavier Roqué En Guàrdia !, Catalunya Ràdio program [17/07/2021]
Lise Meitner did not receive the Nobel Prize in Physics or Chemistry, although she was nominated 48 times and made fundamental contributions to nuclear...
New article
In 2016, Jordi Bigues donated his personal archive on the accident to the Center for the History of Science at the UAB, currently the Institute for the...
New article
IHC’s member Jaume Sastre-Juan has just published in the journal History of Science an article on the history of “interactivity” and the political role of...
"Challenging a Time of Disasters: Arts and Social Sciences" [Biennal Ciutat i Ciència 2021]
How can art and social sciences help us to survive, resist and challenge a time marked by increasingly frequent and diverse disasters, pandemics and...
The European Society of History (ESHS) invites the IHC to join its Society as an institutional member
The European Society for History (ESHS) to invite the IHC to join to the Society as an institutional member. The ESHS, in its effort to increase cooperation...
New Book
Monographic "Cultural Histories of Science in Franco’s Spain", Culture & History Digital Journal, Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021)...
New Book
Carlos Tabernero, "La venganza de la naturaleza. 50 narrativas en torno al medio ambiente". Colección: Filmografías esenciales
"Ciència i democràcia: algunes reflexions en temps d'incertesa" [8/4/2021]
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary, the Faculty of Sciences proposed a reflection under the title "Science and Democracy: Some Reflections in Times of...
Seminar: "El léxico de la química en la 14ª ed. del Diccionario de la lengua castellana (1914)" [11/12/2020]
Cecili Garriga, professor of Hispanic Philology at the UAB, principal investigator of the Grupo de investigación en lengua de la ciencia y de la técnica...