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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut d'Història de la Ciència

Xavier Roqué En Guàrdia !, Catalunya Ràdio program [17/07/2021]

21 Jul 2021
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Lise Meitner did not receive the Nobel Prize in Physics or Chemistry, although she was nominated 48 times and made fundamental contributions to nuclear physics. She worked with radioactivity just like Marie Curie, but instead is much less well known. This woman, who during World War I volunteered to work with X-rays and decades later refused to participate in the Manhattan Project to create an atomic bomb. On July 17, the program of Ràdio Catalunya En guàrdia! spent some time talking about his figure with Josep M. Solé i Sabaté, historian, and Xavier Roqué, doctor in History of Science, professor at the Department of Philosophy (UAB) and member of the Institut d'Història de la Ciència(IHC).




En guardia! is a Catalunya Radio program directed and presented by Enric Calpena. Review, with a guest, topics related to the history of Catalonia or Universal. It premiered in 2001 and already takes 16 seasons with more than 600 broadcast programs.

During these years, he has won different awards. In 2013, she obtained the Males Pràctiques en Comunicació no Sexista Award granted from the l'Associació de Dones Periodistes de Catalunya.

