SGR "Science, Technology, and Medicine in the twentieth century"

In the framework of the Institut d’Història de la Ciència (iHC-UAB), the STM20-iHC aims to consolidate History of Science as a powerful humanistic study of science (science, technology and medicine – STM-) in the Catalan university system, with a strong international impact. Focused on the 20th century, our research blurs the boundaries between "science, nature and power", and analyses the political load of scientific expertise. It approaches "technoscience" as a process of coproduction between STM and society. Moreover, intersections between "health, body and subjectivities" provide a critical historical study of the medicalization and psychologizing processes (both material and symbolic) from the late nineteenth century to the present. In addition, cataloguing, digitalizing and exploiting several archives, the group will also contribute to the preservation and study of the Catalan scientific heritage, in particular during Franco’s dictatorship and the Cold War.