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In 2016, Jordi Bigues donated his personal archive on the accident to the Center for the History of Science at the UAB, currently the Institute for the History of Science. The collection contains very diverse documents, both personal and official and public: handwritten notes on meetings; press clippings; correspondence from various senders and recipients; official reports; documentary projects; and scientific articles, books, and publications.
Prior to its publication in the UAB Digital Repository of Documents, this unique documentation has already made possible new research on the accident, such as Clara Florensa, "James Bond, Pepsi-Cola y el accidente nuclear de Palomares (1966)", in L. Camprubí, X. Roqué and F. Sáez, eds. De la Guerra Fría al calentamiento global. Estados Unidos, España y el nuevo orden científico mundial (Madrid: Los Libros de La Catarata, 2018), p. 17-38. The collection has also appeared in several documentaries.
On behalf of the current Institute for the History of Science, the donation was managed by Xavier Roqué, a member of the IHC and a professor in the Department of Philosophy. In 2017 the archive was cataloged and digitized at the Institute for the History of Science, with the collaboration of David Conejo, a student of the Degree in Physics at the UAB. The staff of the Library Service and the Science and Technology Library, in particular Anna Florensa, Marta Galán and F. Xavier Beltrán, have also taken part in the cataloging and adaptation work for publication in the DDD.
Jordi Bigues i Balcells, journalist and activist born in Barcelona in 1954. As a member of the board of Greenpeace-Spain, he coordinated the campaign in favor of the residents of Palomares (Almeria) in the mid-1980s, when the term of compensation to the victims of the nuclear accident of January 17, 1966, was about to expire.
Limit dates: 1951-2008
Date of incorporation: 2017
Depository Library: Science and Technology Library
Where to consult the documentation: DDD