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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut d'Història de la Ciència


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  • journal_resistance

    New Special issue

    Resistance: A Journal of Radical Environmental Humanities, Volume 11, Number 1, Winter 2023, From Resilience to Resistance: An Almost New Journal for...

  • PortadaPasajes

    New Special issue

    "The value-free ideal, the autonomy thesis, and cognitive diversity" New paper by Dr. Vincenzo Politi (Postdoctoral Fellow Beatriu de Pinós at iHC) in...

  • PortadaPasajes

    New Special issue

    Nuncious. Special Issue: Touching Visions: Intersensoriality and Gender in the History of Science, edited by Hansun Hsiung, Elena Paulino, Elena Serrano...

  • IMG_ wrench_IHC


    The Institut d’Història de la Ciència (iHC) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) offers two positions for the project "The WRECH project", lead by...