Bicycle self-repair point
Bicycle self-repair point
The BiciUAB service has a bicycle self-repair point with an air pump for tyres, screwdriver, plyers and other tools.
All members of the UAB Campus community can use the service for free.
The bicycle self-repair point is located at the FGC-Universitat Autònoma railway station
and is available for use while the station is open from 6am to midnight.

For more information you can contact the BiciUAB Service directly:
By phone on 93 675 45 70
From Monday to Friday from 10h to 14h and from 16h to 20h.
Saturday from 10h to 14h.
By email:
The BiciUAB Service is located at the FGC-Universitat Autònoma railway station. See the location here.
Opening hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12.30pm to 3.30pm