Bicycle hire
The rates are subsidised by 50%:
Electric bicycle: 42€/month including VAT.
Conventional bicycle: 27€/months including VAT.
Rent is paid between 1st and 5th of each month. Users of the service should make payments to the VAIC account.
Electric bicycle: 42€/month including VAT.
Conventional bicycle: 27€/months including VAT.
Rent is paid between 1st and 5th of each month. Users of the service should make payments to the VAIC account.

For more information you can contact the BiciUAB Service directly:
By phone on 93 675 45 70
From Monday to Friday: 10h-14h and 16h-20h.
Saturday: 10h-14h
By email:
The BiciUAB Service is located at the FGC-Universitat Autònoma railway station. See the location here.
Opening hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12.30pm to 3.30pm
SERVICE DEFINITION. It is a long-term rental service. The user can rent a bicycle from one month to an entire academic year. It is an external loan through which the user has full availability and responsibility for the bike and is committed to meet its main use is access to the UAB university campus, as well as travel inside.
USERS. People who are part of the UAB campus community can be users of the service: Administration and Services Staff (PAS), Teaching and Research Staff (PDI), students and Esfera UAB that have the University Identification Number of the UAB (NIU).
RECEPTION OF THE MATERIAL. The user receives the material detailed in the previous point from VAIC Mobility, the management company of the BiciUAB service. The user accepts that, at the time of receiving the rented material, it is in perfect working order.
HEALTH AND DRIVING SKILLS. The user states to be in perfect health to ride a bicycle and assumes responsibility in case of suffering from heart disease, sight, hearing, or the circulatory, locomotor and digestive systems.
The user declares himself perfectly capable of using the rented bicycle, as well as the accessories, and agrees to use them in accordance with the basic rules of circulation and with the operating instructions of the vehicle that he accepts to have received and understood with the signature of this contract.
USE. The main use of the bicycle is the access to the campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, or the completion of specific actions during the workday or study. The use as a delivery vehicle is excluded. If the bicycle is urban, folding or walking, the user cannot use the bicycle in areas and unpaved roads. Only mountain bikes can be used on unpaved roads.
SERVICE DURATION. The duration of the service is six calendar months from the date on which this contract is signed. The objective of this service is to give the opportunity to as many people as possible to enjoy the advantages of renting a bicycle at a subsidized price. For this to be possible, rotation is necessary between people who may be interested.
PARKING. The user must park the bicycle using the provided padlock, fixing at least the bicycle frame and the rear wheel to the rigid structure of the parking lot. At the Autonomous University of Barcelona, it will park whenever possible within a closed parking area for bicycles. The user agrees to have received and understood the instructions on how to correctly fix the bicycle by signing this contract. To obtain access to the closed parking service the user must write to
RETURN OF THE MATERIAL. The user agrees to return all the material in the same good condition, once the time stipulated in the contract has ended. During the contract, VAIC may require the user to leave the bicycle in a specific place at a specific time so that a review can be made by authorized personnel. Occasionally, the bicycle can be replaced by another unit during maintenance.
PRICE. The monthly amount of the service is ____ € / month, which will be billed between the 1st and 5th of each month and charged to the following current account. This rate is valid until a new rate change approved by the governing bodies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
IBAN: ___________________________________________
The monthly invoice will be sent by email to: ___________________________
For the current month, at the time of initiating the contract, the remaining days of the month are charged at the time of signing, proportional to the monthly rate. The last month of the contract will be charged in full. The period defined at the beginning of this document is binding on both parties.
BAIL. The user pays a 180 euros deposit for each electric bicycle and 100 euros for each non-electric bicycle, which will be returned at the end of the lease as long as the conditions in the sections of damage and theft are met.
DAMAGE. The user is required to make good use of the material received and is responsible for all damage that may occur due to improper use of the rented bicycle; both by the user and by third parties, with their authorization. If there is no evidence to the contrary, it will be assumed that third parties, who use the rented material during the duration of this contract, do so under the authorization of the user. The user must inform VAIC about the damage caused or the malfunction of the bicycles or accessories during the rental, or at the time of the return. If any damage is caused by misuse of the bicycle, the user accepts that VAIC will have the power to require him to assume the replacement costs incurred according to the current market price, and that relevant legal actions will be taken against him / her if he / she do not respond adequately. VAIC will be responsible for faults due to normal use or wear of the bicycle (punctures, broken radii, cables, brake pads, etc.). VAIC is not responsible for any damages or accidents that the user may suffer or for any objects that may be lost. The damages caused to third parties, for the good use of the bicycle by the user, are covered by the relevant civil liability policy.
THEFT. The user is required to take precautions against possible damage, loss or theft. In particular, he is required to use the security lock to tie the bicycles to a fixed physical support at the moment he wants to park it and get away from it. It is expressly forbidden to park the bicycle on public roads or outside a locked area between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. In case of theft, the user is required to file a complaint with the police, indicating in the documentation of the complaint his / her name, surname and ID number, the number of the frame and battery of the stolen bicycle as they appear in this document, an explanation of the circumstances of the theft, including a description of the exact location of the parking with photographs, and specifying that the bicycle is insured with "Aseguradores Agrupados, SA de Seguros" with policy number 181016701865. The user is obliged to present a copy of the complaint with all the documentation to VAIC within a period not exceeding 72 hours. In the case that this period is exceeded or the documentation is incomplete, the user will assume the entire cost of all the stolen material. In the event that the user submits all the documentation within the 72 hour period, it will have to assume only a cost of € 180 per electric bicycle and € 100 per non-electric bicycle, in concept of franchising the insurance policy.
FAILURES AND ACCIDENTS. In case of breakdown or accident, the user agrees to: 1) Warn the incident to VAIC; 2) Do not disassemble or manipulate the bike without the express authorization of VAIC; 3) If assistance is required, keep the bicycles until someone from VAIC or the authorized assistance service arrives.
CHANGE OF SERVICE CONDITIONS. The UAB reserves the right to modify the initially agreed conditions, previously notifying the user with a minimum of 15 days. The user may terminate the contract in case of non-compliance with the new conditions.
CAUSES OF RESOLUTION OF THE CONTRACT. The causes of termination of the contract will be the breach of the general conditions set forth herein. The termination of the contract entails the withdrawal of the service and the return of the bicycle and the material by the user.
DATA PROTECTION. Your data is processed in order to manage the BiciUAB rental service. The treatment of your data does not involve automated decisions, nor the elaboration of profiles with predictive purposes of personal preferences, behaviors or attitudes. The users can exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, treatment limitation and portability by sending their request to the unit responsible for the treatment at the address:
USERS. People who are part of the UAB campus community can be users of the service: Administration and Services Staff (PAS), Teaching and Research Staff (PDI), students and Esfera UAB that have the University Identification Number of the UAB (NIU).
RECEPTION OF THE MATERIAL. The user receives the material detailed in the previous point from VAIC Mobility, the management company of the BiciUAB service. The user accepts that, at the time of receiving the rented material, it is in perfect working order.
HEALTH AND DRIVING SKILLS. The user states to be in perfect health to ride a bicycle and assumes responsibility in case of suffering from heart disease, sight, hearing, or the circulatory, locomotor and digestive systems.
The user declares himself perfectly capable of using the rented bicycle, as well as the accessories, and agrees to use them in accordance with the basic rules of circulation and with the operating instructions of the vehicle that he accepts to have received and understood with the signature of this contract.
USE. The main use of the bicycle is the access to the campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, or the completion of specific actions during the workday or study. The use as a delivery vehicle is excluded. If the bicycle is urban, folding or walking, the user cannot use the bicycle in areas and unpaved roads. Only mountain bikes can be used on unpaved roads.
SERVICE DURATION. The duration of the service is six calendar months from the date on which this contract is signed. The objective of this service is to give the opportunity to as many people as possible to enjoy the advantages of renting a bicycle at a subsidized price. For this to be possible, rotation is necessary between people who may be interested.
PARKING. The user must park the bicycle using the provided padlock, fixing at least the bicycle frame and the rear wheel to the rigid structure of the parking lot. At the Autonomous University of Barcelona, it will park whenever possible within a closed parking area for bicycles. The user agrees to have received and understood the instructions on how to correctly fix the bicycle by signing this contract. To obtain access to the closed parking service the user must write to
RETURN OF THE MATERIAL. The user agrees to return all the material in the same good condition, once the time stipulated in the contract has ended. During the contract, VAIC may require the user to leave the bicycle in a specific place at a specific time so that a review can be made by authorized personnel. Occasionally, the bicycle can be replaced by another unit during maintenance.
PRICE. The monthly amount of the service is ____ € / month, which will be billed between the 1st and 5th of each month and charged to the following current account. This rate is valid until a new rate change approved by the governing bodies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
IBAN: ___________________________________________
The monthly invoice will be sent by email to: ___________________________
For the current month, at the time of initiating the contract, the remaining days of the month are charged at the time of signing, proportional to the monthly rate. The last month of the contract will be charged in full. The period defined at the beginning of this document is binding on both parties.
BAIL. The user pays a 180 euros deposit for each electric bicycle and 100 euros for each non-electric bicycle, which will be returned at the end of the lease as long as the conditions in the sections of damage and theft are met.
DAMAGE. The user is required to make good use of the material received and is responsible for all damage that may occur due to improper use of the rented bicycle; both by the user and by third parties, with their authorization. If there is no evidence to the contrary, it will be assumed that third parties, who use the rented material during the duration of this contract, do so under the authorization of the user. The user must inform VAIC about the damage caused or the malfunction of the bicycles or accessories during the rental, or at the time of the return. If any damage is caused by misuse of the bicycle, the user accepts that VAIC will have the power to require him to assume the replacement costs incurred according to the current market price, and that relevant legal actions will be taken against him / her if he / she do not respond adequately. VAIC will be responsible for faults due to normal use or wear of the bicycle (punctures, broken radii, cables, brake pads, etc.). VAIC is not responsible for any damages or accidents that the user may suffer or for any objects that may be lost. The damages caused to third parties, for the good use of the bicycle by the user, are covered by the relevant civil liability policy.
THEFT. The user is required to take precautions against possible damage, loss or theft. In particular, he is required to use the security lock to tie the bicycles to a fixed physical support at the moment he wants to park it and get away from it. It is expressly forbidden to park the bicycle on public roads or outside a locked area between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. In case of theft, the user is required to file a complaint with the police, indicating in the documentation of the complaint his / her name, surname and ID number, the number of the frame and battery of the stolen bicycle as they appear in this document, an explanation of the circumstances of the theft, including a description of the exact location of the parking with photographs, and specifying that the bicycle is insured with "Aseguradores Agrupados, SA de Seguros" with policy number 181016701865. The user is obliged to present a copy of the complaint with all the documentation to VAIC within a period not exceeding 72 hours. In the case that this period is exceeded or the documentation is incomplete, the user will assume the entire cost of all the stolen material. In the event that the user submits all the documentation within the 72 hour period, it will have to assume only a cost of € 180 per electric bicycle and € 100 per non-electric bicycle, in concept of franchising the insurance policy.
FAILURES AND ACCIDENTS. In case of breakdown or accident, the user agrees to: 1) Warn the incident to VAIC; 2) Do not disassemble or manipulate the bike without the express authorization of VAIC; 3) If assistance is required, keep the bicycles until someone from VAIC or the authorized assistance service arrives.
CHANGE OF SERVICE CONDITIONS. The UAB reserves the right to modify the initially agreed conditions, previously notifying the user with a minimum of 15 days. The user may terminate the contract in case of non-compliance with the new conditions.
CAUSES OF RESOLUTION OF THE CONTRACT. The causes of termination of the contract will be the breach of the general conditions set forth herein. The termination of the contract entails the withdrawal of the service and the return of the bicycle and the material by the user.
DATA PROTECTION. Your data is processed in order to manage the BiciUAB rental service. The treatment of your data does not involve automated decisions, nor the elaboration of profiles with predictive purposes of personal preferences, behaviors or attitudes. The users can exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, treatment limitation and portability by sending their request to the unit responsible for the treatment at the address: