PhD Thesis defenses


Wednesday, February 7 2024

Dia · Setmana


L'administració electrònica en l'àmbit local: la secretaria municipal en l'estratègia de transformació digital, by Roger Cots Valverde

Defense of doctoral dissertation - B2/118 Graduate Hall - Faculty of Law

Thursday, February 8, 2024


Population synthesis of Galactic pulsars with Machine learning, by Michele Ronchi

Defense of doctoral dissertation - S1-01 Alberto Lobo Conference Room. Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC-IEEC)


The use of demographic projections to understand religious change

Conferences and congresses, Diffusion - Faculty of Political Science and Sociology (Board Room)


Celebration of 50 years of chemistry alumni and 55 years since the founding of the Faculty of Science

Campus activities, Conferences and congresses, Institutional events - Sala Josep Vendrell, Faculty of Science, UAB


Presentation of the documentary "The BrAIn Roads"

Campus activities, Diffusion, Research - Sala Prat de la Riba, Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), Barcelona

Friday, February 9, 2024


Exhibition: "Women Scientists and Engineers to Come"

Campus activities - General hall and displays of the Science and Technology Library, UAB