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Alumi International

The European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU)

The ECIU is a group of universities dedicated to developing a culture of innovation within their institutions, with the aim of being a catalyst for innovation in industry and in society.

All the universities that are part of them are powerful centers in Engineering and Social Sciences, relatively young and enterprising, and have strong links with the industry and the regions where they are located.

Among all the activities they organize, meetings with alumni from all the universities that are part of it are an essential event on their annual agenda.

The UAB, together with the member universities of the European Consortium for Innovative Universities (ECIU), organized an alumni meeting in Brussels, on November 30, 2017, where representatives of the consortium universities received their alumni. On behalf of the UAB, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Màrius Martínez, and the Vice-Rector for Communication and Promotion, Virginia Luzón, participated.

During the event, the alumni had the opportunity to find out about the latest news about the UAB, as well as some of the latest innovations in research, as well as getting to know the University's Alumni network and making new contacts. Victor van der Chijs, President of ECIU, offered some welcoming words to open the meeting, where a representative of the European Commission also spoke.

An event is free and open to all former students of the consortium's universities. In addition, the meeting coincided with ECIU's 20th anniversary.

ECIU 2016

The European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) organized an alumni meeting of all the universities that are part, including the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​on Thursday April 21, 2016.

The event will be attended by Lluís Tort, vice-rector for Strategic Projects and Planning at the UAB and currently president of the ECIU; Manel Sabés, vice-rector for Institutional Relations and Territory at the UAB and head of the Alumni project, as well as members of other ECIU universities and the UAB alumni network.

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