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Alumi International

International mobility

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, through its Employment Service, is part of the European Commission's 2021-2027 Erasmus+ mobility programme to co-fund internships for its students in companies and institutions in the member countries of the programme.

The UAB also has its own mobility programme for internships in companies and institutions, the UAB Exchange Programme Traineeships, which enables stays and mobility around the world outside of the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. Get full information at the following link:

Enter your personal space and register as Alumni UAB Premium+, filling in the form and paying the fee. You will automatically receive a temporary certificate to your email. If you have changed your email, update your personal information before becoming Premium+.

Under normal conditions, the Alumni Premium+ card would arrive at your home in a few weeks. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic situation, we are unable to ship it. But do not worry, if beyond the validity of the temporary certificate, you need to accredit yourself as Premium+, write us! As soon as possible, we will resume sending cards.

Once you are Alumni UAB Premium+, enter your personal space and request the service.