About the centre

Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy

Enrolment Survey (Curso 2021-2022)

Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy

Feedback rate Support tools* Enrolment process* Incidences management*
54,7% 66,3% 63,1% 74,5%

*% Student assessment quite or very satisfied with the following aspects...


Services Survey (2021-2022)

Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy

Feedback rate UAB Resources* Environment*
5,8% 95% 95%
Professional Training department* Communication* Facilities*
88% 97% 92%
Academic Support Service* IT Management* Campus Virtual*
95% 93% 100%

Enrolment Survey (Curso 2020-2021)
Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy
Feedback rate Support tools* Enrolment process* Incidences management*
15,4% 85,4% 87% 90,9%

*% Student assessment quite or very satisfied with the following aspects...

Services survey (Academic year 2020-2021)

Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy
Feedback rate UAB Resources* Environment*
2,6% 100% 100%
Professional Training department* Communication* Facilities*
83,3% 70% 100%
Academic Support Service* IT Management* Campus Virtual*
66,7% 56,3% 50%

*% Student assessment quite or very satisfied with the following aspects...

Enrolment Survey (Curso 2019-2020)
Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy
Feedback rate Support tools* Enrolment process* Incidences management*
69% 86,6% 86% 89,2%

*% Student assessment quite or very satisfied with the following aspects...


Services survey (Academic year 2019-2020)

Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy
Feedback rate UAB Resources* Environment* Professional Training department*
6% 100% 100% 83,3%
Communication* Facilities* Academic Support Service* IT Management*
93,8% 92,5% 100% 100%

*% Student assessment quite or very satisfied with the following aspects...

Enrolment Survey (Curso 2018-2019)
Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy
Feedback rate Support tools* Enrolment process* Incidences management*
86,9% 89,6% 90,9% 79,1%

*% Student assessment quite or very satisfied with the following aspects...

Services survey (Academic year 2018-2019)

Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy
Feedback rate UAB Resources* Environment* Professional Training department*
46,4% 92,1% 83,1% 83,1%
Communication* Facilities* Academic Support Service* IT Management*
86,5% 84% 89,6% 81,5%

*% Student assessment quite or very satisfied with the following aspects...