Social integration
Social integration
If access to the region is based on private vehicles, only those who have a private vehicle will be able to take advantage of it. If public transport is not competitive enough it can be used by those who do not have access to a private vehicle but under unattractive time and cost conditions. On the other hand, if transport is competitive everyone would have access to the goods and services offered in the region.
The way the region is currently organised means that the use of private vehicles is the only alternative for reaching many centres of activity or industrial estates, among others. This excludes those who do not have a driving licence or sufficient resources to run a car and this creates inequalities of opportunity when it comes to accessing the labour market and services in general. Groups that are especially affected are: women, young people, the elderly and the immigrant community.
At the UAB, 58% of the university community say they do not have the use of a car (EHMCU UAB, 2019) and so they depend on public transport. The UAB Strategic Plan for Accessibility aims to provide maximum equality of opportunity of access to the campus by promoting the use of public and active transport (walking and cycling). The objective is that anyone who studies, works or uses the services of the UAB should be able to do so in equal conditions, regardless of their means.
The Plan proposes the promotion of public and active transport which is more accessible to the population as a whole.