
Steps to take

To process this access route, you must take the following steps:

Passos per la legalització

1. Documents

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  1. Document accrediting the identity and nationality of the applicant, issued by the competent authorities in the country of origin or provenance or by the Spanish authorities responsible for foreigners. In the case of Spanish citizens, a national identity card or an authorisation to verify the identity data held by the Administration.
  2. The diploma for which homologation is requested or the certificate accrediting its issue and, where appropriate, the corresponding official translation.
  3. Academic certification of the studies carried out to obtain the degree, stating, among other things, the official duration in academic years of the study plan followed, the subjects taken and the total course load of each of them expressed in hours or in ECTS (European) credits and, if applicable, the corresponding official translation.
  4. Proof of payment of fee 107.
  5. Accreditation of the language competence required to practise the corresponding regulated profession in Spain (see Article 13.2 of Royal Decree 889/2022, of 18 October).
  6. Signed declaration in which the interested party declares the truthfulness of the information provided.

The above documents are essential to initiate the procedure.

Depending on the Regulated Profession, it may be necessary to submit other documents in compliance with the regulations in force for each profession. Consult this link to find out what specific documents  you need to submit, if necessary.

Remember that:

  • For EU students: a translation of the documents is required, if it is not in Spanish or English prior to homologation.
  • For non-EU students: the translation of the documents is required, if it is not in Spanish or English prior to the homologation and the legalisation of the studies prior to the homologation.

See how to do this in the corresponding section on Translation and Legalisation.

Documents sent by email or through the contact mailbox of the University Admissions Office will not be accepted.


2. Legalisation

In the case of academic degrees or certificates, legalisation generally consists of the recognition of the signature of the educational authority issuing the original document (not of the authority certifying its authentication or translation).

See the section on Translation and Legalisation  for legalisation requirements.

3. Request for access, study of the dossier and resolution

You can carry out the procedure in the following way:

  1. If you have NOT obtained the homologation of your degree.
    If you have total or partial foreign university studies and you have not obtained the homologation of your degree, you can apply for access to the university by changing your foreign studies.
  2. If you have obtained the homologation of your degree
    If you have completed foreign university studies and have obtained the official recognition of your degree from the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport, you can apply for university access through university pre-enrolment, via the graduate student route.


Remember that these two options cannot be simultaneous and that, if the homologation of the degree has been rejected, the interested party may request partial validation of their studies, if it was not rejected for one of the following reasons:

  • Spanish degrees that have already expired or have not yet been fully implemented.
  • Degrees corresponding to foreign studies taken, totally or partially, in Spain, if the centres do not have the compulsory authorisation to teach those studies.
  • Degrees that have already been recognised in Spain, or for which partial validation has already been requested to continue studies in Spain.