About the centre

About this website


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- For users of computers running the Windows operating system, we recommend browsing with last version of Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer 8.0 (or higher).
- For users of computers running the Linux operating system, we recommend browsing with Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher.
- For users of Mac, we recommend browsing with Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

The page is optimized for two resolutions: 1280px and 1024px. You must have Javascript and CSS activated to view all graphics correctly. The university community may contact the Help and Support Centre on 93 581 21 00 or the IT Service in your faculty/centre.


Fundació UAB is the owner of all intellectual property rights about the design and content of the website www.uab.cat/prevencio-seguretat-integral.

Fundació UAB is the owner of all intellectual property rights related to its products and services and the ones specifically related to its trademarks.