
How to complete the pre-registration

University pre-registration must be undertaken online, through the University Access Portal, within the deadlines established for each call for applications. It is important to be clear about the key dates for pre-registration.

In some cases, it is necessary to submit documents in order for the pre-enrolment to be valid and thus be able to participate in the process of assigning places. You can check what documents is required in this situation.

If, at some point when processing the pre-enrolment through the university access portal, your academic data appears in green and bold, is correct and you do not want to add another access route to the university, you will not need to submit any additional documents.

On the other hand, if the academic data is not retrieved, or if it is not correct, you will have to add the documents that accredits the studies that provide you access to the university to the section "academic data of your profile" on the university access portal.

  • EU students:
  • Non-EU students:
  • You will have to present the accreditation of the PAU exams. You can consult all the information regarding documents here.