
Access without passing PAU exams

Students will be able to access university without the need to take the entrance exams if:

They are students coming from education systems of member states of the European Union or other member states with which they have signed international agreements applicable to university access, on a reciprocal basis, provided that the academic requirements demanded in their education systems for access to their universities are met. You will need a certificate issued by the competent institution designated by the Ministry (Article 126 of the UAB Academic Regulations).

If you wish to improve your admission grade, you can sit the specific stage of the PAU exams.

  • Students in possession of an International Baccalaureate diploma, issued by the International Baccalaureate Organisation based in Geneva (Switzerland).
  • Students from the above mentioned educational systems do not need to obtain an homologation of their degree, diploma or study obtained or completed abroad in order to gain access to Spanish universities.
  • Currently, you can access any bachelor's degree at FUAB Training School with a cut-off mark of 5. If the average mark of your foreign studies is higher than 5, this will be equivalent to the mark for the general stage of the PAU exams.