
Access with no PAU exams

Access to university without the need to take the entrance exam:

People with non-EU foreign degrees who wish to access university degree courses must pass entrance exams organised by the institution with the competences designated by the Ministry, after the homologation of their degree to the Spanish baccalaureate degree.

You may be admitted without passing the PAU exams, under the following conditions:

  1. Only in the September pre-registration call.
  2. Only if there are places available for your chosen studies, after having assigned the candidates who have passed the entrance exam. You will therefore be last in the order of allocation of places in the September university pre-enrolment call.
  3. Your average mark will be considered for the homologation of your bacchaulaureate.
  4. If you have achieved homologation, the pre-registration process must be carried out at the University Admissions Guidance Office (in Spanish)
  5. You can currently access any degree programme at the FUAB Training School with a cut-off mark of 5. If the average mark of your foreign studies is higher than 5, this will be equivalent to the general stage of the PAU exams.