PhD Thesis defenses


Wednesday, March 20 2024

Dia · Setmana


Presentation of the exhibition 'Art and Exclusion: 4 forms of exclusion in art' by John A. Roberto

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Exhibition space Sala Teatre UAB - Building R (L¿Àgora)


"La ciudad de dos capas", the documentary that shows the history of Eastern Japan after the earthquake and the tsunami of 2011

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Sala Cinema de la UAB

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Science Carriage: let's talk about work stress and time management

Conferences and congresses, Diffusion - Vagó de la Ciència, FGC. UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA 10:42 a.m. -> PLAÇA CATALUNYA


The Impact of Intralingual Translation of Persian Every-day Legal Texts on Average Citizens, by Maryam Dehghanzadeh

Defense of doctoral dissertation - K/2016. Jordi Arbonés Room. Faculty of Translation and Interpreting


Validació dels predictors de risc de complicacions cardiovasculars majors perioperatòries. Predicció de la lesió miocardíaca aguda perioperatòria, by Anna Mases Fernández

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Classroom 61.125 UPF Facultat de Medicina, Campus Mar


Screening of the documentary "Aamelat. Jornaleres de la guerra" by Eva Parey

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Sala Cinema de la UAB