PhD Thesis defenses


Wednesday, March 20 2024

Dia · Setmana


Utilidad y ventajas de los catéteres centrales de inserción periférica respecto al catéter venoso central no tunelizado, by Ana Belén Martín Arnau

Defense of doctoral dissertation - HCP/116 - Graduate Room P1 Sant Pau Teaching Unit


Estudi de biomarcadors de risc de fibrosi hepàtica i de resposta precoç a la cirurgia bariàtrica en un context de Malaltia del fetge gras associat a disfunció metabòlica i obesitat severa, by Pablo Gabriel Medina

Defense of doctoral dissertation - WS/111 - Classroom 114, South Module Vall d'Hebron Docent Unit


Clinical application of new biomarkers in chronic HBV and HDV infections, by María Luisa Roade Tato

Defense of doctoral dissertation - WN/111 - Classroom 105, North Module Vall d'Hebron Docent Unit


Presentation of the exhibition 'Art and Exclusion: 4 forms of exclusion in art' by John A. Roberto

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Exhibition space Sala Teatre UAB - Building R (L¿Àgora)


"La ciudad de dos capas", the documentary that shows the history of Eastern Japan after the earthquake and the tsunami of 2011

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Sala Cinema de la UAB

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Science Carriage: let's talk about work stress and time management

Conferences and congresses, Diffusion - Vagó de la Ciència, FGC. UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA 10:42 a.m. -> PLAÇA CATALUNYA