PhD Thesis defenses


Monday, March 18 2024

Dia · Setmana


Screening of the film "Psycho" by Alfred Hitchcock

Cultura en Viu, Culture - UAB Cinema Hall


Estratègies d'optimització del tractament de la malaltia de Chagas, by Pau Bosch Nicolau

Defense of doctoral dissertation - WS/111 - Classroom 114, South Module Vall d'Hebron Docent Unit


Límits del creixement blau: Enllaçant la sostenibilitat marina i el decreixement a la Mediterrània nord-occidental, by Borja Nogué Algueró

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Z/022 & Z/023, Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB)

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Content Delivery Network solutions for the CMS experiment: the evolution towards HL-LHC, by Carlos Perez Dengra

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Conference room. Centre de Visió per Computador (CVC)


La alimentación racional. Ideología de la carne y discursos sobre alimentación, nutrición y salud en España (1893-1939), by Ander Redin Zabalegui

Defense of doctoral dissertation - C1/070-1 Graduate Room - Faculty of Sciences (Videoconference: to participate as a public and to be able to make interventions, if you are a doctor, you must request it at


'El Color del Azafrán', a work that reviews the different stages of life through 48 short stories

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Sala Teatre de la UAB