Informative Research Sessions
A continuació trobareu el material de la reunió d'inici de nous projectes del Ministeri que es va fer el passat 06/03/2025
A continuació trobareu el material de la Sessió informativa que es va fer el passat 09/01/2025
Below you will find the material of the information session which took place on 11/01/2024.
- Presentation of the session
- Videos of the information session:
- Document with contents from the Q&A session
Below you will find the material of the information session related tot he call to incentivate the incorporation of consolidated talent. ATRAE Programme 2023.
Below you will find the material from the SGR information session held on 05/07/2023
Below you will find material of the information session with the director of the State Research Agency, Dr. Domènec Espriu, which took place on 27/01/2023.