Economics of Tourism, Commercialisation and Public-Sector Intervention
Areas: economic impact, analysis of prices and markets, aspects tourism marketing and regulation of the sector.
Research in Economics of Tourism focuses on the economic impacts of specific tourism institutions and destinations and their cost-benefit analyses.
Other research lines concern market studies on the available tourist offer and studies on the behaviour of tourist demand based on the most sensitive variables in the process of choosing a tourist destination.
From the perspective of marketing, it is possible to analyse prices and seasonal variation in different types of tourist accommodation (hotels, second homes, Rural Tourism and campsites), and to make a quantitative analysis of the brand image of tourist destinations on the basis of prices.
Exemples of research in this area:
- Tendències recents i estratègies de futur en l’allotjament turístic en espais metropolitans. El cas del Vallès Occidental. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 88, 2019.
- The effect of different characteristics on campsite pricing: Seasonality, dimension and location effects in a mature destination. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 29, 2020.
- Exploring Ex Ante Impacts and Social and Sportive Challenges of Hosting a Future New International Major Event: a Case Study of the World Roller Games in Barcelona. Event Management, 25(4), 2021.