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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut d'Història de la Ciència

Call for Postdoctoral position (CLIMASAT)

12 Dec 2024
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The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona  (UAB) calls for a competition for the hiring of Research Staff with specific funding – Postdoctoral Researcher –, destined for the  Institut d’Història de la Ciència (iHC-UAB) from the UAB, reference 2024DILIFRUA236.



Applications are invited for a 2 year postdoctoral position as part of the European Research Council funded project (H2020− ERC−StG− 101042252), CLlMASAT. Remote−sensing Satellite Data and the Making of Global Climate in Europe (1980s−2000s), coordinated by Dr. Gemma Cirac−Claveras and hosted at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

The project CLlMASAT explores the origins of the practices and processes of producing, circulating, and using data generated with Earth−orbiting satellites.

The goal is to understand how the various ways in which satellite data were collectively negotiated, shared, maintained and used were co−produced with the forms of environmental knowledge that we have inherited today.



Research and dissemination on the origins of the practices and processes involved in the production, circulation and use of satellite data, and the power relations that were encoded, from the perspective of one or more of the following CLlMASAT project’s research themes: history of science and technology, history economy and finances, environmental history, history of legislation and regulation, and media studies. No teaching duties are associated to this position.


Eligibility criteria
- PhD degree in: History of science and technology; STS; Social studies of data (economy, history, sociology, law, etc); Media studies; Environmental history; Critical geography; or related fields.
- Relevant additional training will be valued (undergraduate or postgraduate).
- Excellent command of office software.
- Excellent command of English Language is required (C1 or B2).
- Good level of French and/or German is favourably valued (B1 or more).
-Relevant research experience will be valued, particularly experience in developing clear and convincing historical case studies.
- Relevant record for high−quality research publications, winning research grants, and international awards, appropriate to the candidate’s career stage will be valued.
- Clear interest in the history of the processes and practices of satellite data production, circulation and use.
-Ability and commitment to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a research team.
-Availability to travel to conference and fieldwork.
-Ability to create and contribute to a well− functioning, inclusive, respectful and productive research environment

El termini per inscriure's a aquest concurs és el dia 15/01/2025.

Further information
Les bases i l'annex de la convocatòria es poden consultar consultar al Tauler electrònic de la UAB.

Les persones interessades s'han d'inscriure a través de la web següent: https://seleccio.uab.cat

For further scientific information please contact: gemma.cirac@uab.cat

