Daily timetables
Daily timetables
There are 17 intercity bus lines operating to the UAB daily connecting the campus with a large part of Catalan territory allowing many members of the university community to get to work and study on public transport.
As well as these 17 lines, there are 4 other lines that offer a weekly service to the UAB allowing people to return home at the weekend.
See the lines, routes and timetables:
E3. Barcelona - Cerdanyola - UAB
Last update: 8th September 2023.
Circulates every day of the year.
Operator web: Moventis Sarbus
648.Montcada i Reixac - Ripollet - UAB - Bellaterra
Operators web: Monventis Sarbus and Autocares Font
M1. Olesa de Montserrat-Viladecavalls-Terrassa-UAB
Last information update: 2nd April 2024.
Operator web: TGO
B6. Sabadell - Barberà del V. - Badia del V. - UAB
Last information update: 8th September 2023.
Operator web: Sarbus
365 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda - Mollet del Vallès - UAB
Last update information: 5th September 2023.
Operator web: Sagalés
412. Granollers - Lliçà de Vall - Parests del Vallès - Bellaterra
Last update information: 8th September 2023.
Operator web: Sagalés
245. Sentmenat - Caldes - Palau Solità i Plegamans, - Polinyà - UAB
Last update information: 8th September 2023.
Operator web: Sagalés
Vilafranca del Penedès - St. Sadurní d'Anoia - UAB
Last update: 1st March 2025.
Operator web: Monbus Hispano Igualadina