Laboratory for the analysis of social-ecological systems in a globalised world (LASEG)

The group LASEG aims to better understand how local and indigenous knowledge can contribute to environmental sustainability, and how to better reconcile biodiversity conservation and the provision of ecosystem services with human wellbeing, in both rural and urban settings.
Led by Victoria Reyes-García
Researching on how Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ knowledge is affected by environmental change and how such knowledge can contribute to understand environmental change impacts.
We strive for a better understanding of the conditions under which indigenous and local ecological knowledge can contribute to positive environmental outcomes (e.g., stewardship and sustainable management of natural resources, biodiversity conservation), and to the understanding of the manifestations, drivers and impacts of nature degradation and climate change.
We are also keen on exploring the potential of indigenous and of local knowledge systems to improve our understanding of local environmental change impacts on physical, biological, and socioeconomic systems and how such impacts are locally perceived and which strategies people adopt in their quest to adapt to change.
- Resilience of indigenous peoples’ health care system
- Research on indigenous data governance protocols
- Inspiring rural heritage: sustainable practices to protect and conserve upland landscapes and memories (IRIS)
- Local indicators of climate change impacts observation network - LICCION
- An eco-anthropological study of the customary-based management of pastoral resources among the wahehe of iringa in Tanzania
Led by Esteve Corbera
Researching environmental governance processes in the areas of climate change and the conservation of biodiversity, from international to national and local levels.
We examine the political, social, behavioural and ecological conditions that enhance or undermine the success of climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation and sustainable land-use management policies and projects, with special emphasis on justice, poverty and wellbeing considerations, in both urban and rural contexts.
We are interested in examining how effective and socially just policy framings (e.g. ecosystem services, nature-based solutions) and instruments for biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable management of ecosystems actuarlly are.
We wish to disentangle which factors (e.g. culture, history, institutions, behaviour) mediate the design and effectiveness of such policies and instruments.
- International cooperation to restore and connect urban environments in latin america and europe (INTERLACE)
- Inspiring rural heritage: sustainable practices to protect and conserve upland landscapes and memories (IRIS)
- Sustainable food public procurement in spain: evidence to date and scaling opportunities
- On the interface between moroccan agdals and the arganeraie biosphere reserve
- Socio-ecological heritization of indigenous people and community conserved areas in taita hills, Kenya
- An eco-anthropological study of the customary-based management of pastoral resources among the wahehe of iringa in Tanzania
Led by Johannes Langemeyer
Investigating transformative pathways toward sustainability founded upon the concept of ecosystem services and nature-based solutions.
We investigate socio-economic, ecological, digital and policy transformative pathways that can reduce the vulnerability of urban and rural citizens to global environmental change whilst enhancing their resilience, with specific attention being devoted to green infrastructure projects in cities and agroecological transformations in food systems.
We analyse how we can reduce the social-ecological vulnerability and enhance the resilience of rural and urban communities to global environmental change; and how green urban green infrastructure and nature-based solutions influence the value, distribution and maintenance of ecosystem services in rural and urban contexts;
We are also keen on exploring ways in which agroecology principles and practice could be upscaled in both cost-effective and socially just ways.
- Ecosystem services and urban environmental justice: connections and implications
- International cooperation to restore and connect urban environments in latin america and europe (INTERLACE)
- Sustainable food public procurement in spain: evidence to date and scaling opportunities
- Inspiring rural heritage: sustainable practices to protect and conserve upland landscapes and memories (IRIS)