Integrated assessment: sociology, technology and the environment (IASTE)

The overarching research objective of the group is to replace the technocratic approach of evidence-based policy with a more effective approach of co-production of knowledge claims to inform policy in the face of uncertainty.
Our research focuses on the multi-scale integrated analysis of the metabolism of social-ecological systems. Central to our research is the development of a transdisciplinary approach: Multi-scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM).
MuSIASEM integrates biophysical and socioeconomic variables across multiple scales, thus establishing a link between the metabolism of socio-economic systems and the potential constraints imposed by the embedding natural environment. MuSIASEM allows the use of integrated sets of indicators that can be chosen "à la carte" by social actors in relation to multiple criteria of performance and is particularly suited for analyzing the nexus between land use, food, energy and water in relation to sustainable development goals.
Research topics:
- Energy metabolism, water metabolism, and waste metabolism of socio-ecological systems
- The Nexus between population, land use, water, food and energy security
- Multi-scale integrated assessment of alternative energy technologies
- Food system analysis
- Decision support tools based on participatory integrated assessment (science for governance).