External services
In addition, some of the in-house laboratories and associated facilities offer commercial scientific support services to external parties. They are part of the Scientific and Technical services of the UAB and can be contacted through the respective websites.
Responsible: Pau Comes and Joan Villanueva
Email: l.aie@uab.cat; pau.comes@uab.cat; juan.villanueva@uab.cat
Tel.: +34 93 586 8656 // 8929
Web: http://sct.uab.cat/irms/
Laboratory of Palynological Analysis (LAP)
Responsible: Jordina Belmonte
Email: jordina.belmonte@uab.cat
Tel.: +34 93 581 2040
Web: http://lap.uab.cat/aerobiologia
Service of Inorganic Geochemistry for Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography (SIGPO)
Responsable: Graham Mortyn, Patrizia Ziveri
Email: graham.mortyn@uab.cat, patrizia.ziveri@uab.cat
Tel.: +34 93 586 8780
Web: http://sct.uab.cat/sigpo/
Servei Forènsic Ambiental (ENVIFORENSIC)
Responsable: Joan Villanueva
Email: Juan.Villanueva@uab.cat, nuria.moraleda@uab.cat
Tel.: +34 93 586 8662 / +34 93 586 8661
Web: http://sct.uab.cat/enviforensic/
Enviromental Radioactivity Laboratory (LRA)
Responsable: Valentí Rodellas
Email: Valentí.Rodellas@uab.cat
Web: https://mers.uab.cat/?page_id=1316
Microplastics Extraction Laboratory (MEL)
Responsable: Patrizia Ziveri
Email: Patrizia.ziveri@uab.cat
Tel.: +34.935868974
Web: https://mers.uab.cat/?page_id=1316