News archive


The UAB sets up purple information stands in all of its teaching centres

The purple information points aim to raise awareness and inform on the very concepts of harassment, as well as provide assessment on the circuits, tools and people in charge of equality policies at each centre, as well as on the Observatory for Equality, available to all members of the university community.


Presentation of a car sharing website during European Mobility Week

The UAB will present its new website dedicated to car sharing during the European Mobility Week, taking place from 18 to 22 September. On 21 September an information stand will be set up at the Espai SiS to help users become familiar with how the web works and clear up any doubts university members may have. All those signing up to participate will also enter a chance to win a sustainable weekend getaway for two.

Imatge recurs campus

Tips for surviving the heat wave

Given the high temperatures foreseen for the next few days, the UAB Area of Prevention and Support offers safety measures for all members of the university community.

Hèlix d'ADN

A boost to the UAB gene therapy study to stop the progression of neurodegenerative diseases

The University signed a patent license agreement with Anew Medical, a US company developing innovative therapies for neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, that will allow them to work jointly and accelerate the development of the treatment so that it can enter the clinical phase. This gene therapy patented by UAB researchers protects mice against cognitive deficits associated with aging, improves motor function, and delays the onset of diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer’s disease.