News archive

Donatiu Hans Daiber

Hans Daiber makes a donation to the UAB

The bibliophile and collector has assembled an important library specialising in Islamic thought, Arab philosophy and Ramon Llull, which he has now donated to the Humanities Library of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


The UAB wins 58 podiums at the Catalan University Championships

Almost 900 UAB students took part in the 38 Catalan University Championships (CCU), winning 58 medals: 26 gold, 17 silver and 15 bronze. In individual sports, the UAB stood out in swimming and taekwondo, while in team sports, the UAB came in first in men's indoor football and handball and women's volleyball.

Tips on how to spend a healthy summer

The UGT-UAB section and the Campus SiS project will be holding on Monday 19 June at 11 a.m. a new webinar entitled "Tips on How to Spend a Healthy Summer", offered by María Merino Fernández, dietist and nutritionist specialised on sports nutrition and in metabolism.


UAB Alumni East Coast Chapter inaugurated in New York

After Brussels and Beijing, the UAB visited New York on Wednesday 24 May to inaugurate its UAB Alumni East Coast Chapter, a network promoting the exchange of professional experiences among Catalans living on the US East Coast who studied at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Fossa de la necròpolis de Vilafranca del Penedès

Black Death bacteria identified in 14th century individuals in Vilafranca del Penedès

Genetic analysis of the remains of individuals from the Cal Pa i Figues necropolis in Vilafranca del Penedès shows that they died from Yersinia pestis infection, the Black Death bacterium which caused millions of deaths in Europe in the 14th century. The study was carried out by UAB researchers in the laboratory of ancient and modern DNA of the Biological Anthropology Unit. It is the first time that a laboratory in Catalonia detects this ancient bacillus.