Credit recognition for participation in student representation activities
Credit recognition for participation in student representation activities
There are two types of academic recognition for participation in student representation activities, with one or two credits awarded for each:
- Attending and passing training courses on student participation in university bodies aimed mainly at first- or second-year students who have taken on a representation role for the first time, to ensure that the knowledge acquired returns to the university. Students from higher years who are already student representatives in student bodies can also attend. You can attend the training courses before the representation activity or simultaneously.
- The exercise of a student representation role during the academic year, as long as you have attended a minimum of 80% of the sessions of the representation body of which you are a member.
Teaching centres establish the methodology to evaluate achievement in terms of the exercise of representation roles, tutor the participating student and provide certificates of attendance and achievement to accredit their participation.
Once the academic year is over, the teaching centres must provide a list of students who have demonstrated achievement in terms of representation activities to the university student affairs representative.