PhD Thesis defenses


Friday, April 5 2024

Dia · Setmana


Retención en tratamiento con agonistas opioides en atención ambulatoria, by Esther Francisco Salas

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Room 61.125 Campus del Mar (UAB/UPF) Faculty of Medicine


Estudi fragilitat, anestèsia i complicacions. (Estudi FRAC), by Mercè Prieto Butillé

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Sala de Actes (Room 1) Sant Pau Hospital Site


Los atuendos de los sujetos sociales sexuados en la costa sur de Perú (ca. 800/700 cal ANE ¿ 400 cal DNE), by María Dolores Guerrero Perales

Defense of doctoral dissertation - B7/052 Graduation Hall - Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Time constraints and dynamics of the Eaux-Chaudes nappe (West Central Pyrenees): A study combining new tectonothermal data and thermo-mechanic simulations, by Marc Guardia Alen

Defense of doctoral dissertation - C1/070-1 Graduate Room - Faculty of Sciences


Awards ceremony for the best TFG with a gender perspective

Institutional events - Rectorat building (conference hall)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Conference on "The production of non-fiction content for platforms and TV" with Jordi Évole

Diffusion, Graduate, Institutional events - Faculty of Communication Studies (Aula Magna)