PhD Thesis defenses


Friday, April 12 2024

Dia · Setmana


Presentation of the game "A 10 torns del col·lapse"

Conferences and congresses, Diffusion - Faculty of Education

Monday, April 15, 2024


Screening of the remake "Psycho" by Gus Van Sant

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Sala Cinema de la UAB

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


La sexualidad en Mesopotamia a través del corpus de terracota paleobabilónicas de contenido sexual explícito,by Lidia Adalid Villar

Defense of doctoral dissertation - B7/1056 Conference Room. Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Regulation framework of Franco's repression: the rights and jurists of Franco

Conferences and congresses, Diffusion - Faculty of Arts & Humanities (Sala d'actes)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Screening of the documentary 'Untamed Romania'

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Sala Cinema de la UAB


Presentation of the exhibition "Climate Emergency: An Inevitable Social Challenge"

Cultura en Viu, Culture - UAB Exhibitions Hall (Communications Library and General Newspaper Archives)