PhD Thesis defenses


Thursday, April 4 2024

Dia · Setmana


Presentation of the new interuniversity master's degree in Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design

Graduate - Headquarters of the Catalan Ministry of Business and Labour. Passeig de Gràcia 129, Barcelona.


Language exchange in groups Tàndem program


Friday, April 5, 2024


Leaky Wave Antennas and Electromagnetic Field Confinement Devices based on Periodic and Uniform Structures, by Álvaro-Patricio Jaque Jiménez

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Q1/0003 Graduate room. School of Engineering UAB


Retención en tratamiento con agonistas opioides en atención ambulatoria, by Esther Francisco Salas

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Room 61.125 Campus del Mar (UAB/UPF) Faculty of Medicine


Estudi fragilitat, anestèsia i complicacions. (Estudi FRAC), by Mercè Prieto Butillé

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Sala de Actes (Room 1) Sant Pau Hospital Site


Los atuendos de los sujetos sociales sexuados en la costa sur de Perú (ca. 800/700 cal ANE ¿ 400 cal DNE), by María Dolores Guerrero Perales

Defense of doctoral dissertation - B7/052 Graduation Hall - Faculty of Arts and Humanities