PhD Thesis defenses


Wednesday, March 6 2024

Dia · Setmana


Qui porta el timó? La implementació de la contractació pública socialment responsable a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, by Yunailis del Valle Salazar Marcano

Defense of doctoral dissertation - B3/012 Graduate Room. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies


Pilot study on neurophysiological recording for the identification of trigeminal roots during radiofrequency rhizotomy in trigeminal neuràlgia, by Agustí Bescós Cabestre

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Classroom 1, 11th floor, General Building Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron


Three problems in harmonic analysis and approximation theory, by Kristina Oganesyan

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Room A1, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica


19th Institutional ceremony commemorating International Women's Day

Institutional events - Rectorat building (conference hall)


"Neuma", a flute quartet concert

Cultura en Viu, Culture - Sala Teatre de la UAB


Self-defense seminar for women

Campus activities - SAF sports facilities