Pous de la UAB
Water wells at UAB

Until the seventies, the land where now is the UAB, there were approximately twenty wells. Following the progressive construction of various buildings of the University several wells were found and identified, many of which were closed because of their status and potential risks of falls for people.
The campus hydrogeological structure determines the presence of aquifers that provide free use of surface water groundwater levels (up to about 50 or 100 meters). Now as infiltration is of little magnitude and materials permeable subsurface -formats by intermittent sand bodies and graves- basically behave as groundwater levels low importance, the contribution of groundwater flow surface is quite low.
The year 2003 was an inventory of wells located in the grounds of the UAB, in order to determine the most suitable to carry out a planned capacity to know the extent of subsurface hydrological resources of the University. Since mid-2008, is used for irrigation water from the well tower Vila-Puig.