Mobility & International Exchange

UAB Exchange Programme

Logo Erasmus + Català

The UAB Exchange Programme makes it possible for students enrolled at our university to spend a semester or an entire year at a foreign university that does not participate in the Erasmus+ program, as well as enabling subsequent recognition of the studies completed abroad.

The recognition of studies will be done following the Learning Agreement (study agreement) that the student will have agreed with the exchange coordinator of his center, before leaving.

Each course opens a joint call for the Erasmus+ programs and the UAB Exchange Program among UAB students. The decision to award destination places in the call does not necessarily imply the granting of financial aid, which will depend on the approval of the budgets for the programs for the different institutions involved.

The student pays the tuition fee at the home university and enjoys free tuition at the host institution (except in cases where otherwise specified), where they are entitled to the same services that local students receive, in equal footing. The host university must provide the necessary information about the courses offered, accommodation possibilities and registration procedures.

Carrying out the exchange at the host university will not imply the right to obtain the degree at that institution.

Electronic signature

To carry out procedures with the UAB it is necessary to have a digital certificate to be able to sign the documents by means of an electronic signature. Consult all the information on the digital signature page.

You will find information on how to apply and attach documents at this link.

Call 2025-26

Information meetings took place on 3 and 4 February in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Communication Sciences for students with a place assigned to the UAB Exchange 2025-26.

  • Monday 3rd February 13 hours: students with a place assigned to the rest of the world (other areas of the UAB Exchange).
  • Monday 3rd February 15 hours: students with assigned place in Asia.
  • Tuesday 4th February 13 hours: students with assigned place in Central and South America.

Presentation Meetings UAB Exchange 2025-26 for all the zones

Explanatory video Presentation Meetings UAB Exchange 2025-26 for all the zones

For the call for international mobility (Erasmus+ and UAB Exchange programmes) for the 2025-26 academic year, the application period is from 21 October to 4 November 2024.

To participate in the UAB Exchange Program, you must complete the electronic application (OUT Exchange Requests and Consultation)

Here you can find an explanatory video on how to apply.

Students from affiliated centers who do not have access to this page must contact the Academic Management of their center.

Only one application can be submitted for this program.

When making the request, you can attach documents, such as language certificates. You can find information on how to attach them at this link. In the case of applying for vacant places, you can consult the instructions in the following video, starting at minute 6:00.

The documentation attached during the exchange process (at the time of the request, before, during and after the stay) and listed as Validated in the Student's Personal Area of the SIA page "Inquiry and request for exchange OUT", will only be for the purposes of exchange stays and not for any other procedure with the UAB."

In accordance with the provisions of article 13 of the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), we inform you that your personal data will be processed in order to manage the selection of a mobility place, as well as everything related to the your mobility The legitimate basis for data processing is the consent of the person concerned. The person responsible for the treatment may communicate your personal data to the organizations or entities of competition with mobility and with the granting of scholarships. Your data will be kept for an indefinite period. The processing of your data does not involve automated decisions, nor the creation of profiles for predictive purposes of personal preferences, behaviors or attitudes. In accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, you can revoke your consent at any time and exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of treatment and portability by request addressed to the data controller ( or to the General Secretariat of the UAB. Likewise, you can submit claims to the Catalan Data Protection Authority and make any inquiries you deem necessary to the UAB Data Protection Delegation.

Additional assessment for knowledge of foreign languages

The language level will count up to a maximum of 2 points during the selection process when calculating the participation grade of the submitted applications. To obtain an additional assessment for knowledge of languages, it will be necessary to attach supporting certifications qualified in accordance with the common European reference framework, at the time of making the exchange request.

If you do not have certifications, or are not qualified in this reference framework, you can take an exam at the UAB Language Service, which will issue a certificate attesting to your language skills (in English, French, German or Italian). The test schedule is published at the end of this section.

This documentation must be attached to the application within the deadline for opening the call. Students of degrees that are taught at the UAB in the vehicular language in which the mobility will take place and have passed 50% of the credits of the studies, will obtain the 2 additional points.

In the event that the university requires it, the selected student must present the supporting documentation of the required language level. This documentation must be delivered after the selection in the established terms and form.

In the call for international mobility you will find detailed information about it.

Requirements to participate in the UAB Exchange Programme


  • Have a bachelor's degree enrollment at the UAB or at one of its affiliated centres during the academic year in which the application is made and enrol during the academic year in which the stay is made.


  • Enrolment on a university master's degree of 90 or more credits at the UAB or at one of its affiliated centres during the course in which the application is made and enrol during the academic year in which the stay is made. The university master's degree programme where you have enrolled will have the corresponding exchange agreements and will have the approval of the coordination of the master's degree.
  • It should be noted that if the students selected to go on an exchange and during the academic year prior to their stay obtain all the credits of the plan that are necessary to obtain the degree, the academic record will be automatically closed. Once the file is closed, it is not possible to reopen it to make any new registration or recognition, which is why you will not be able to enjoy the awarded exchange place, since you would no longer be in a position to enrol, an essential requirement to be an exchange student.
  • For exchange stays during the degree it is necessary to have passed 60 credits at the time of application, with the exception of students of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting, the Degree in East Asian Studies and the Degree in Spanish and Chinese Studies: Language, Literature and Culture, of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, for stays within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, which must have passed 60 credits at the time of the start of mobility.
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the academic language of the host university.
  • Accredit the coverage of medical and civil liability insurance.

Bachelor's degree students may participate in a maximum of two academic years of exchange.

Applications for stays at the UAB Exchange Programme for students who have made a previous exchange stay in the same programme will only be taken into account if the places requested have been vacancies.

Additional conditions medical students

The UAB Exchange Programme destinations list for the academic year 2025/26 can be found in the following links.

Destinations UAB Exchange South and Centre America 

Destinations UAB Exchange Asia Information updated on 6th November 2024

Destinations UAB Exchange United Kingdom

Destinations UAB Exchange around the world  Information updated on 19th December 2024

Always consult the website of the host university for full information. You can go directly to the website of each university by clicking on the name.

Also check that the universities that offer a place in all the UAB center really teach the studies of your interest and do not have restrictions for exchange students.

In any case, admission to the exchange programme is subject to the final acceptance by the host university.

IMPORTANT: It is the responsibility of the students to check on the website of the host university the requirements on knowledge of the teaching language, which subjects can be taken, minimum number of ECTS or other requirements.

It is recommended that before a stay abroad consult the website of the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' regarding travel warnings and recommendations.

Depending on the budget, grants will be awarded to students from their own centres and the FUAB Training School, who have obtained a place within the framework of the UAB Exchange Programme. The financial funds may come from the UAB or the Erasmus+ Programme. A maximum of one grant per person will be awarded. In order to encourage the largest number of participants in this programme to enjoy funding, grants awarded from UAB funds, Erasmus funds and specific grants for stays in Asia will be incompatible with each other and with other grants of equal or greater amount of which the UAB may be aware of. In the case of receiving two grants that are incompatible, students must renounce one of them in writing.

The decision to award places for the destination of the call does not necessarily imply the granting of an economic aid, which will depend on the approval of the budgets allocated to the programs by the different institutions involved. The grants will be awarded according to the same criteria used during the selection process until they cover all the available funds. In all cases, the grants will be awarded in order of the participation mark obtained in the mobility call.

In accordance with Article 174 of the Academic Regulations of the UAB, students who have completed an exchange stay with the UAB Exchange Programme in previous calls cannot once again enjoy a grant in the same program.

Below you will find more detailed information on each of the grants.


The UAB has its own budget line for scholarships for students from its own centres and those affiliated to the FUAB Training School. These grants will be awarded on an ex-officio basis to students with an assigned place. The amounts of these grants will depend on the period of stay at the host university:

  • Full course stay: 1,200€
  • One-semester stay: €750
  • Stays equal to or less than 3 months: 500 €

How to pay for UAB grants: 

The grant will be paid by bank transfer in two payments: to access the first payment, of 80% of the total of the grant, it will be necessary in the Personal Area of the SIA 1) to have completed the banking data section, 2) to attach the digitally signed commitment document, 3) to attach the document accrediting the coverage of a medical and civil liability insurance 4) to attach the Declaration of responsibility for the trip signed digitally and 5) attach. All these steps are essential to receive the payment.

The second payment will be the remaining 20%, it will be made upon the return of the students and once the certificate of stay has been attached to the Personal Area of the SIA.



Erasmus+ UAB KA171 and UAB KA131: The grants will be awarded according to the selection criteria established in the call (participation mark), based on the available budget and the students requesting support for inclusion and the strategic importance for the UAB of the agreement with the host university. For the academic year 2024/25, universities in the following countries are considered to be of strategic importance to the UAB: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Republic of Korea, Egypt, United States of America, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom, Chile, China and China Taipei (Taiwan).

Erasmus+ A4U KA171: These grants are managed by the Alianza 4 Universidades consortium, for stays in Russia, South Africa, Iran, Indonesia and Vietnam. More information about destinations and deadlines here.

How to pay for Erasmus+ UAB Programme: 

The beneficiary students will receive the grant from the Erasmus+ program by bank transfer in two payments: the first, after leaving, for an approximate amount of 70% of the total awarded. To access the first payment, it will be necessary in the Personal Area of the SIA 1) to have completed the banking data section, 2) to attach the digitally signed grant agreement, 3) to attach the document accrediting the coverage of a medical and civil liability insurance 4) to attach the Digitally Signed Trip Responsibility Declaration and 5) to attach the arrival certificate. All these steps are essential to receive the payment.

The second payment, with the remaining amount, will be made when the students have returned and completed the following procedures: 1) attached to the SIA Personal Area the certificate of stay signed by the host university (where the start and end dates of the stay must also be clearly stated: DD, MM and AAAA) and 2) completed the report on the stay you will receive by email to your institutional address.


GENERAL INFORMATION of the grants managed by the UAB (UAB grant and Erasmus+ UAB grants):

In order to guarantee the agility in the payment of the grants, it is recommended that you attach a “Certificate of ownership of the bank account” to the Personal Area of the SIA.

Students who have not submitted the required documentation on the date informed at the time of the grant, will be given the grant for renouncement and therefore will be required to refund the amount paid to them.

Students who, on 30 November of the course following the stay, have not submitted the required documentation, will be given the grant for renouncement and, therefore, will be required to refund the amount paid to them.

The granting of any of these grants will be subject to the fulfilment of the requirements by the students.

SPECIFIC GRANTS FOR STAYS IN ASIA (incompatible with the help of the UAB and with the Erasmus+ grants):

  • Japan: JASSO: 80,000yens/month or 669€/month; MEXT (N2 Japanese) 117,000 yens/month or 979€/month
  • South Korea: DUO: €1,000/month (only 4 months); Global Korea Scholarship: €388/month (only 4 months)
  • China (Rep. Popular of): You will find information on the SEPIE website: Spanish Agency for the Internationalization of Education, 

To learn about the specificities of these grants for stays in Asia, you can contact:




The Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) announces grants for international mobility every year (MOINTINT call). In previous calls, the amount was €200 per month with a maximum of 6 months.*

More information in Aid for international mobility

Interested persons must apply directly to AGAUR within the deadlines established by the agency itself.



There are other grants that grant Countries, Autonomous Communities, Regional Councils, Foundations, etc. These grants are compatible with the rest of the aforementioned grants.


The Spanish agency for Erasmus+ SEPIE offers institutions and organizations participating in the Erasmus+ program specific support on topics related to inclusion (special needs, refugees, people with less resources), which you will find in this link. In this document you will find more information.

Participants, students and teaching and administrative staff, will be able to present documentation to receive additional mobility aid. Inclusion support is financial support to cover additional costs for students and staff with fewer opportunities who participate in mobility activities of the Erasmus+ program. To access this support, participants must have a recognized and legally qualified disability of a degree equal to or greater than 33%, or suffer from physical, mental or health problems duly certified through the corresponding medical certification, as well as comply with the rest of admissibility criteria established in the Program.

The amount will cover 100% of the actual subsidized costs that are requested, directly related to your disability, provided that they are not covered through the budgetary categories of "travel" (if applicable) and "individual support", including the additional aid for students with fewer opportunities. (Among the subsidized expenses are the following: special/adapted transportation of the participant in the host country, escorts, professional services, preparatory visits and other expenses.)

Request the additional allowance using this form, for the Erasmus KA131 program.

All participants who request "Apoyo a la inclusión" based on actual costs will have to prove their degree of disability and documentably justify to the institution of higher education of origin or coordinator of the mobility consortium the actual expenses corresponding to the amount of the additional aid received .

Call 2023/24

Resolution of 11 January 2024, which reassigns grants from EU and UAB funds, can be consulted at this link.

The international mobility call for the 2023-2024 academic year will be open from October 24 to November 7, 2022. You can consult the map of destinations and updated information on the international mobility call.

You can consult Conditions of the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement for UAB Exchange students receiving KA131 2022 grant.

You can consult Conditions of the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement for UAB Exchange students receiving KA131 2023 grant.

Addenda to the grant resoluction UAB Exchange programme curs 2023-24

Resolution of 30 October 2023, reassigning grants from EU and UAB funds, can be consulted in this document link.

On October 13, 2023 the publication of the Third extraordinary resolution Erasmus+ programme studies and UAB Exchange Programme academic year 2023/2024

Resolution of 12 September 2023, which reassigns grants from EU and UAB funds, can be found in this link.

Resolution of July 24, 2023, awarding grants from European Union funds, KA131 2022 and 2023 projects, and from the UAB to students with a place within the framework of the UAB Exchange Program, studies modality, academic year 2023-24.

On June 16, 2023, the Second extraordinary resolution Erasmus+ programme studies and UAB Exchange Programme 2023/2024

On April 17, 2023, the First extraordinary resolution Erasmus+ programme studies and UAB Exchange Programme 2023/2024

On January 20, 2023, the final decision on the call for international mobility for the 2023/24 academic year it's published.

On December 12, 2022, the resolution of the call for international mobility for the 2023/24 academic year it's published.

You can consult the Dossier of the UAB Exchange 2023-24 programme.

UAB Exchange Program Presentation Information Meeting 2023-24

UAB Exchange Program Specific Presentation Information Meeting 2023-24