New edition of the 'Interuniversity Style Guide in English'

The fourth edition of the 'Interuniversity Style Guide in English' has just been published. This resource is particularly aimed at PTGAS staff members who hope to improve the quality of the texts they write in English.
The 4th edition of the Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing Institutional Texts in English has just been released. The UAB was an active participant in this project, which was carried within the remit of the Language Committee of the Vives Network of Universities. The project received INTERLINGUA funding from the Government of Catalonia.
This resource was published in response to the ever-increasing need of university staff to draft institutional documents in English, and to promote the application of a single set of homogeneous, English-language guidelines.
The Guide is mainly aimed at PTGAS members working in Catalan universities who need to write texts in English and provides them with the right support to write better texts.
Among the highlights of this new edition are the chapter on gender, which has been expanded to include non-binary options, a new section on the words million and billion in English and the chapter on word processing tools which has been updated.
Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing Institutional Texts in English