Professional language services

Edit & Present: let us help you with your presentation in English!

Edit & Present

If you have to present a paper or give a talk in English, Edit & Present is the service you need.

Even if your spoken English is good, you might still need to work on aspects such as the following:

"On the Powerpoint the technical terms are definitely OK... but what about the grammar?"

We'll thoroughly revise all the texts you'll use and, if necessary, we can go over the proposed changes with you.
"How do you pronounce that word?" We can make an mp3 recording of your talk so that you can listen to it on your way to the conference.  
"Will the audience be able to follow me?" We can do rehearsals and follow up with feedback -in person, in writing, or even using a recording of the session.

Some user comments:

"... now I am back from Zurich, I would like to thank you for all your advice and work, both with the written text and the Powerpoint and with the preparation for the talk itself... ."(Dr. I. Fernández, Dept. d'Història Moderna i Contemporània).

"This tutorial has been very useful for us. It has cleared up many doubts we had about our preparation."(C. Romero and A. València, ETC, Students Unit).


Edit & Present offers three distinct versions that provide the following types of service:

Action Description Version Cost Observations
1 Revision of written text (Powerpoint, etc.), with written feedback Basic Revision in accordance with current tariffs.  
2 Audio recording of the written text (by language assessor) Additional € 65.26 In MP3 format
3 Additional practice of presentation, with immediate feedback Additional € 110.87 90 minutes. The Language Service reserves a classroom in the Aulari Central (Edifici J) building

For more information or to ask for a quote, email us at this address:

We'll get back to you promptly.