University Master's Degree in Egyptology

This is the first and only official university programme in Egyptology available in all of Catalonia, Spain and the rest of the Spanish-speaking world

Official Master's Degree in Egyptology

Course coordinator

Josep Cervelló

Master direction

José Lull García

List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Cervello Autuori, Josep Indo-European Linguistics Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Lull Garcia, Jose Indo-European Linguistics Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Martinez Moreno, Clara Indo-European Linguistics University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) Research
Oller Guzman, Joan Ancient History Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Orriols Llonch, Marc Indo-European Linguistics
Santos Saavedra, Josué Indo-European Linguistics Research

Teaching staff

The group of lecturers of the master's degree in Egyptology are made up of local and international specialists, from the UAB and other universities, with years of experience and renowned academic and research careers in Egyptology.


Dr Francisco Bosch Puche (Griffith Institute, University of Oxford, UK)
History of Egypt from Persian domination to the Roman Era
Dr Josep Cervelló Autuori (UAB)
Classical Egyptian and neo-Egyptian language
Classical Egyptian and neo-Egyptian texts
Hieroglyphics and hieratic epigraphy and palaeography
History of Egypt from the beginning to the end of the Old Kingdom
Egyptological Research Methodology

Dr Francesc Josep De Rueda Roigé (UAB)
Egyptian Art 

Dra Lucía Díaz-Iglesias Llanos (CSIC, Madrid)
Egyptian Religion

Dr Andrés Diego Espinel (CSIC, Madrid)
History of Egypt from the end of the Old Kingdom to the beginning of the New Kingdom

Dra Marina Escolano Poveda (University of Liverpool, Regne Unit)

Dr José Lull García (UAB)
History of Egypt from the New Kingdom until the Lower Kingdom
Egyptian Archaeology

Dr Miguel Ángel Molinero Polo (Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife)
Dra. Lucía Díaz-Iglesias Llanos (CSIC, Madrid)
Egyptian Religion

Dr Juan Carlos Moreno García (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris)
Administration, society and economics in Egypt

Dr Marc Orriols i Llonch (UAB)
Egyptian literature
Gender Studies in Ancient Egypt

Dr Jordi Vidal Palomino (UAB)
Ancient Middle Eastern History and Archaeology


Professors of practices (masters in Egyptology by the UAB)

Heri Abruña Martí (doctoral student and associate professor at UAB)
Egyptian Art

Daniel González León (PhD student and UAB predoctoral hired)
Egyptian Epigraphy


Guest professors:

Dra. Zulema Barahona Mendieta
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, París, France

Dr. Marcelo Campagno
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. José Manuel Galán Allué
CSIC, Madrid

Dra. Gwenola Graff
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Marsella, France