University Master's Degree in Egyptology

This is the first and only official university programme in Egyptology available in all of Catalonia, Spain and the rest of the Spanish-speaking world

Official Master's Degree in Egyptology


Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

A degree or equivalent in any academic discipline. As there is no degree in Egyptology, no previous knowledge is required. Additionally, as Egyptology is of interest to a broad range of studies and areas of specialisation, and given that this master’s degree provides an introduction to Egyptology from its origins, it has been thought advisable not to limit access to any specific ambit.

Selection criteria

In the event that the number of participants exceeds the number of places on offer, places will be awarded in accordance with the following priority criteria:

  1. Degree (Priority will be given to applicants who are graduates in Semitic Language Studies, Classics, Indo-European Language Studies, History, Archaeology, History of Art and Philosophy): 20%
  2. Academic Transcript (average grade and/or grade evolution will be particularly taken into account): 30%
  3. Curriculum vitae (with special attention given to academic progress, scholarships, placements abroad, and any publications or participation in research projECTS credits): 20%
  4. Interview (skills, clarity of personal and academic goals and motivation will be particularly taken into account): 30%