The cycle offers graduates knowledge refreshment on different topics related to the development of the profession.
Online and face-to-face, and always with the intention of being a meeting space for professionals in the sector.
Dissemination in Research Centers
With Ms. Anna Ramon, Communications Manager at CREAF.
May 18, 2021
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Funding Sources in Research: How Can You Obtain a Research Contract? What Are the Funding Sources for Projects?
With Dr. Montserrat Solé, PhD, Fostering Research Projects & Innovation IBB-MRB (UAB).
April 13, 2021
Professional Trajectories BioAlumni of the First Cohort
From September 30, 2021, to October 6, 2021
More information
Are Biosciences Degrees Female-Dominated, and Is the Occupation as Well?
Online Round Table of Professionals
February 11, 2021