News archive

Presentació dels nous laboratoris de Química, Facultat de Ciències UAB

Faculty of Science opens new teaching labs

On 3 March the new chemistry teaching laboratories will open for the different bachelor's degrees offered at the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Biosciences. The remodelling of the new laboratories form part of the refurbishings of Building C's Espina C7. 

Imatge de l'STS-CAT

The Catalan Association of Science and Technology Studies is born

Researchers from different universities and research centres in Catalonia, including the UAB, have created the Catalan Association of Science and Technology Studies (STS-CAT). The official presentation will take place on 28 February at 9:30 a.m. at the Barcelona Research Residence. The inaugural lecture will be given by Wiebe E. Bijker, one of the leading thinkers in this field.

Mapes obtingut amb MiraMon

MiraMon, 30 years observing Catalonia from the sky

MiraMon, the geographic information system developed by the UAB and CREAF, celebrated its 30th anniversary in an event that will be followed by other activities during 2025. With more than 200,000 users in 42 different countries, this software is a key tool in Catalonia for monitoring changes on land. Thanks to MiraMon, a large number of PhD theses and key research works in the fields of geography, biology and climate have been carried out.

Enquestes d'avaluació docent

First semester evaluation surveys

The evaluation surveys for the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year corresponding to the teaching performance of faculty members and subjects/modules will be available until 17 January 2025.

Bosc. Autor: Galdric Mossoll, CREAF

Forests containing deadwood hold 23% more biodiversity

A 10-year research led by the UAB and CREAF analysed European red pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests in Catalonia affected by tree mortality events and now reveals that the deadwood in these forests is more varied and, therefore, also hosts greater biodiversity.

Les dues espècies de tortugues estudiades en la recerca

Turtle genome provides new clues on the evolution of vertebrates

Scientists from the UAB and Iowa State University have generated the genome assemblies of two hidden-neck turtles, unpublished until now. The results, which revealed a new three-dimensional structure of the genome within the phylogenetic group of reptiles, birds and mammals, will contribute to the development of more effective turtle conservation strategies, and to the study of the evolution of the genome and chromosomal organisation of vertebrates.