Satisfaction of FCT companies

In this section you will find the companies' evaluation of the student profiles and coordination with the Work Placement and Job Bank Unit at the centre. The rating scale is from 0 to 4. 


International Trade
Student profile
Aspect 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Academic education 3,25 3,08 3,5
Work undertaken 3,5 2,83 3,75
Development in the professional environment  3,67 3 3,75
Overall satisfaction 3,58 2,92 3,75
Coordination with the Work Placement and Job Bank Unit 
Aspect 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Attention received  3,83 3,25 3,5
Information and documentation provided  3,83 3,25 3,5
Answering questions, doing paperwork and/or providing clarification  4 3,33 3,5
Coordination with the Work Placement and Job Bank Unit  3,83 3,42 3,75
Overall satisfaction 3,83 3,17 3,75