Introduction to waste classification
In case that intra-centre of laboratory waste is not possible, there is a protocol for extra-centre management through an external certified waste manager. In all cases, there are established internal procedures in order to assure that handling and storage of these waste are done according to the principles of sustainability and risk prevention. The operations related to external management must be subject to an operating protocol that all responsible people assigned to University must follow. These protocols include aspects such as: defining what is waste and what is not, assigning responsibilities, training staff according to their responsibilities, standardizing waste segregation operations, standardizing containers, establishing a classification of waste, labelling of each classification group, generating a traceable information, register and document all processes and comply with current sectoral legislation.
Classification criteria for laboratory waste.
Caracterization of laboratory waste.
In case that intra-centre of laboratory waste is not possible, there is a protocol for extra-centre management through an external certified waste manager. In all cases, there are established internal procedures in order to assure that handling and storage of these waste are done according to the principles of sustainability and risk prevention. The operations related to external management must be subject to an operating protocol that all responsible people assigned to University must follow. These protocols include aspects such as: defining what is waste and what is not, assigning responsibilities, training staff according to their responsibilities, standardizing waste segregation operations, standardizing containers, establishing a classification of waste, labelling of each classification group, generating a traceable information, register and document all processes and comply with current sectoral legislation.
Radioactive waste is any material or product that have to be disposed, that contains or is contaminated by radionuclides in concentrations or activity levels higher than those established by the Ministry of Industry.
Radioactive waste is a problem as it can remain in the biosphere for long periods of time. Radioactive wastes generated at the University is generally of low activity and basically comes from radioactive facilities, radiodiagnostic services and some specific products that are acquired as chemical products but are sources of irradiation. The UAB Ionizing Radiation Service (SRI) provides different services related to radiological substances and sources present on the UAB campus. The radioactive waste generated at the UAB must be managed through the SRI.
Group |
Code |
Subgroup |
Nocius/Irritants orgànics |
S02.A |
Sòlids de baixa toxicitat. |
S02.B |
Plaques fotogràfiques i radiografies. |
Inflamables no halogenats |
S04 |
Sòlids inflamables. |
Inflamables halogenats |
S05 |
Sòlids halogenats. |
Àcids |
S06 |
Sòlids àcids orgànics i inorgànics. |
Bases |
S07 |
Sòlids bases i metalls alcalinoterris. |
Tòxics |
S08.A |
Metalls pesants en estat sòlid, productes sòlids altament tòxics, pesticides… |
S08.B |
Material punyent o tallant contaminat amb alguna substància tòxica. |
Específics |
S09.A |
Substàncies desconegudes en estat sòlid i reactius sòlids en envàs original. |
S09.C |
Vidre no trencat contaminat amb substàncies químiques no especificades. |
S09.D |
Vidre trencat contaminat amb substàncies químiques no especificades. |
S09.E |
Envasos metàl·lics i de plàstic contaminats químicament |
S09.F |
Filtres de vitrina de gasos, de cabines de flux laminar i de seguretat biològica formulitzats. |
Non dangerous biological waste are those who are or contain biological agents of group 1, and therefore have a very limited ability to induce or cause an infection, allergy or toxicity to humans, animals or plants and don't suppose any danger to the environment.
Dangerous biological waste are any kind of waste that is or contains biological agents of risk belonging to group 2 or superior and, therefore with the capacity of causing an infection, allergy or toxicity to human, animal or plants or dangerous to the environment. Also include the genetically modified organisms (GMO) of any group of risk.
For futher information:
Tabla de clasificación de los residuos biológicos en la UAB.
Árbol de decisiones para residuos biológicos.
Gestión de residuos biológicos de laboratorio.