News archive

Crisi COVID-19 amb perspectiva de gènere i LGBTI Maria Jesús Izquierdo

The coronavirus between difference and inequality

Dr. Maria Jesús Izquierdo, retired professor from the UAB, reflects on the difference and inequality between women and men in the context of the Covid-19 crisis.

La Covid i la pandèmia oculta del Desbordament de la Crisi global de la cura

The Covid and the hidden pandemic of the overflow of the global care crisis

Margot Pujal, PhD in Social Psychology and researcher in the Department of Psychology in the Social Psychology Area of the UAB, reflects on the global overflow of care due to coronavirus and its effects on women's health.

Manifest 17M

UAB joins the LGTBI Universities Working Group

The UAB has joined the first institutional network created in the LGTBI area in Spanish universities. The first joint action of the group was the drafting of the manifesto "University is Universe and Universe is Diversity. For LGTBI rights" in commemoration of the 17M, International Day against LGTBIfobia.


The UAB and the Generalitat cooperate to guarantee LGTBI rights

The UAB and the Directorate-General for Equality will cooperate in cases of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. The Servei d'Atenció Integral of Cerdanyola del Vallès (Comprehensive Care Service) will manage the cases referred from the campus.

26 abril 2020

April 26, Lesbian Visibility Day

On 26 April Lesbian Visibility Day is celebrated. For this reason, we want to make a series of cultural suggestions on lesbian subjects to raise awareness and claim lesbian women as models.

The Covid-19 crisis with gender perspective

Sara Moreno Colom, vice-rector of Students and Employability and member of the Department of Sociology of the UAB, has participated in the online space UAB Respon, with the video "The gender impact of Covid-19".

Teletreball Observatori

The team of the Observatory teleworks

Following the indications of the Generalitat and according to the announcement of the executive administrator of the UAB, we will telework from the 13th of March until further notice.